Hello, i’m a refugee in Germany with 6 Monaten aufenthaltstgestattung, and i’m in a relationship with a german girl and we want to marry, and i already had been rejected for granting residence permit and i’m waiting for my next interview, can we get married now ? And how much time it will take? She lives in another city and i’m in another city living in a refugee Heim, and studying Intergrationskurs and she lives with her family, we can’t live together now.
asked May 3, 2018 in Legal advice by Adam8000 | 453 views

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1 Answer

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Hello @Adam8000

Welcome to our community and thank you for your question.

In general, it's possible for you to marry no matter what your legal status is. You will have to get in contact with Standesamt (registry office) either in the city where you are living or in your fiancé's city (probably it's more convenient to do it in your city). They will give you a list of documents that you need to provide.

To learn more about the marriage procedure in Germany check out the article on our Wefugees blog that covers some of the most important questions (scroll down to find the English version):


If anything remains unclear feel free to ask further questions.

Best regards,


answered May 7, 2018 by Thor
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