Dear All,

  I understand that this question has been answered with all details previously. Thanks to the wonderful people out here. I am seeking a bit more information in similar situation.

 I am an expat (from India) living in Belgium from almost 5 years now (Soon to get my unlimited residency card). My boyfriend (from Pakistan) is waiting for his result in Italy after giving the interview.

I can freely travel to Italy. Is it possible for him to get married in this situation. If we both present the 3 most important documents - Passports, Birth Certificates, No impediment Certificates.

 The second question is that what is the best way to proceed for getting married? We go to a lawyer or we directly go to a Commune/Municipal ?

Hope to seek some suggestions

asked Mar 27, 2018 in Legal advice by Loubyana | 976 views

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2 Answers

0 votes
You have to go to the commune they will tell you all what in need for marriage
answered Mar 29, 2018 by Wayne carter
0 votes

Hello @Loubyana

Welcome to our community and thank you for your question.

As far as I can see, it is possible for you to get married in Italy as long as you can provide the required documents. I assume that you already read the other threads about this topic here on Wefugees, didn't you?

It can be risky for asylum seekers to get married because they have to give their documents (like the passport) to authorities. In case their asylum application gets rejected they can get deported more easily (because authorities need to have a valid proof of identity like the passport).

Since I'm not that familiar with the Italian asylum system and other legal framework, I would recommend you to get in touch with a lawyer. It's always a good idea to have an expert take a close **** at your case especially if there is a lot at stake like in your case. But keep in mind that it's not mandatory to have a lawyer in order to marry.

Best regards,


answered Apr 3, 2018 by Thor
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