Hello wefugees community
My name is Hanna, 28 years old and coming from Iraq. I studied petroleum engineering and I have been working as a field engineer for more than 15 months,  also worked before that as laboratorian in refinery company.
Now I don't know where or how to apply for a job (my certification are equalized)
So can anyone advice me what I should do? Or from where I should start to search for jobs in deutchland??
I need your advices and suggestion to know what should I do here??
asked Oct 28, 2016 in Work by HannaG | 1,574 views
Hi @hannag , I'll do my best to connect you with people in our community that might have answers for you. Perhaps @Leo from myAiden.co or @Sophie from workeer.de : could you provide some support to @hannag and the other Wefugees' members following this question? Thank you, Paolo
Thank you so much Mr.paolo
I'm looking forward

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Hi @HannaG,

Have you already checked out these websites?
- ****://jobboerse.arbeitsagentur.de/vamJB/startseite.html?m=1&aa=1
- https://***.thelocal.de/jobs/
- ****://***.make-it-in-germany.***/en/for-qualified-professionals/working/guide/looking-for-a-job

Generally, the Federal Employment Agency is responsible for dealing with job vacancies in Germany. Refugees can register themselves at one of these offices (known in German as Agentur für Arbeit) if they are searching for work.

Let me know if it is useful and whether you might need further information, and what kind. Please don't hesitate in posting further.

answered Nov 2, 2016 by Paolo
you could check a few of these websites out connecteer.de/
Thank you very much I'll check it and I'll see what I can do...
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