hello everybody,
I am searching two things :
1-Make German friends and find language partner for exchange language and learn Germany faster.(Germany/Arabic/English) (Tandempartner).
2-partner to play My favorite hobby (table tennis).
anyone interesting in one of them can contact me i live in Mönchengladbach city.
Thank you
asked Aug 25, 2016 in Activities by Gheath | 634 views

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1 Answer

+3 votes
Hello Gheath,

in case no one is replying here on the platform, you can go to this table tennis club in Rheydt-Mönchengladbach to make new friends:


they have a hobby-group that meets every monday at 19:30 at Turnhalle Waisenhausstraße, the entrance is at Stresemannstraße 70. That seems to be a nice event to meet new people and play table tennis without the need to register or becoming a member.

best regards
answered Aug 26, 2016 by Thor
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