Hi every Body my name is amir i am a refeugee and i living in Germany since 1 Year and 8 month i speak in english and deutsch but not Perfect i have 2 Child's i looking Apartment for 1 Year but i did not find i Register in Haus K for Apartments but they dont help me i am living in wohnheim i have a small room and so many other issues i have all papers my schufa is positive i dont hab wbs Letter and i am still in Social lagesso Now i make a backery Praktikum and then Start ausbildung 1 september PLZ Somebody help me and give me some advice to **** a suitable Apartment for my Family God bless you all.

I live in Berlin Spandau now.
asked Jul 31, 2016 in Home & Living by Aami | 663 views
Dear Aami, in which city do you live?

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1 Answer

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Hi Amir, you probably found it. But for the rest of us, the question is answered here: https://***.wefugees.de/101800/wie-kann-ich-eine-wohnung-in-berlin-finden?show=101800#q101800
answered Mar 15, 2022 by Yegor S
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