I'm from west sahra and I have been here since 9 months
asked May 30, 2016 in Asylum proceedings by benna | 1,333 views
Hi Benna :) What exactly do you mean? Are you trying to find someone in Germany or are you wondering how stateless people in Germany are treated?

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2 Answers

+5 votes
Hello again,

a proven information resource for this issue is generally "Stateless Voices": ****://***.statelessvoices.***/home/
Contact info@statelessvoices.*** to get precise information about Germany.

Kind regards, Jan
answered Jun 1, 2016 by Jan
+4 votes
Hello Benna,

Informations given by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (several documents and statistics in German): ****://bit.ly/1smXkik

People of "ProAsyl" can surely provide more compact and above all constructiv information. For contact see: ****://bit.ly/1smZnTy

Kind regards, Jan

answered May 30, 2016 by Jan
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