Just a word about being new to a place. I'm moving in to a new place and town. Except for my boyfriend and some former friends I don't know anyone here. I can feel the insecurity about so many things, even though I have moved within Germany, a few hundred km. Where do I buy certain foods, which garbage goes into which compartment, etc... Also, memories of moving involuntarily when I was a kid are coming back during day and night. And then, this is Easter, we Christians celebrate the reconciliation of human sins, and even though I don't fully understand this resurrection I pray for all of us newbies for some healing of past wounds and for a fresh start, with open heart to this new world and that we may find what we need, friendship, food for our bodies and souls, etc
asked Mar 26, 2016 in Home & Living by Miranda | 507 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Hey Miranda, that was a very heartfelt post! Remember that you can always post your questions here on Wefugees and the community is here to help. I hope that you are enjoying the approaching Spring :)
answered Apr 25, 2016 by julia.d
0 votes
Thanks for sharing, Miranda!
answered Apr 5, 2016 by Conny
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