Dear All,

I'm writing this in case anyone could actually help. I recently moved to Germany and I've been here since November 2015. I'm 23 years old and I come from Syria. I live in Blankefelde Mahlow, Near Berlin. My problem is that I really want do something, ANYTHING! I feel like that I'm loosing my skills. I have 3 years experience in procurement and as an administrative coordinator. I also work on Photoshop and all Microsoft programs. Mentioning that I am a business administration student. I really want to find something to do especially to be in touch with Germans to get the language experience the most. I'm learning the language here but I need to be in touch with native speakers rather than just reading from the books. If there is anything that I can do or help with, please let me know.

Thanks and regards,
Ayham Alia
asked Jan 14, 2016 in Activities by AyhamAlia | 1,543 views

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3 Answers

+4 votes
Dear Ayham,

I could imagine that your administrative and language skills could be  of use in helping with fellow refugees. There are tons of projects where volunteers organize help of any kind. Perhaps contacting one of them and offering help would be a chance to get hands-on German language practice. If you are interested, I can try help finding a project near you.
answered Jan 15, 2016 by pexxll
For example Weconnect. They connect refugees with local initiatives in Berlin through social activities. ****://***.weconnect.berlin/
Or thisone. Give something back to Berlin is an initiative of expats living in Berlin to support those in need in Germany's capital ****://givesomethingbacktoberlin.***/
Hello Pexxell,

Thank you very much for your kind reply. I have already contacted them. The main thing I want is to use my skills and knowledge.

I'd be glad if you're able to help out. However, I did contact both of them and let's see what could happen.

Thank you again and please let me know if there's any other project to be involved.

Perhaps you can contact me on my email (ayham.samir@hotmail.***)


+2 votes
Dear Ayham Alla,

do you know these online employment exchanges:


Hope you find a job, good luck!
answered Jan 15, 2016 by Jan
Hello Jan,

Thank you very much. I'll check them out.

Best regards,
I have been working on myaiden.co   It is leaning more towards small services but it is completely free and you do not have to worry about taxes, liabilities and all that stufff
+2 votes
Hi Ayham,
we just answered your application email and hope to hear back from you soon. We would like to invite you to an Job Interview for an Internship at Wefugee.

Best regards,
answered Jan 15, 2016 by Conny
Hello Conny,

Thank you very much for your initiative. Much appreciated!

I replied back and please let me know if there's anything else that occurs.

Hi Ayham, are you ok? Didn't heard from you for a while. We would love to have you in our team
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