Tomorrow we'll have some free time and we would like to play ball or something like that. Are there any nice parks or places where we can go to?
asked Sep 18, 2015 in Activities by Raheeeem | 924 views

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4 Answers

+2 votes
Hi how are you? Sure there are a lot of nice parks here in town. My favourite one is the Treptower Park in EastBerlin. You can reach it by train S8, S85, S9 or S41 and S42. The station is also called Treptower Park ;) Or is it to far, where do you stay?

Best wishes Benni
answered Sep 18, 2015 by Benni91
Thanks man, but it's really far. We are here in Wilmesdorf. Do you have another idea?
+1 vote
May you can go to the "Volkspark Wilmersdorf"?! You reach the park by bus #249 or #101. The underground station "Blissestraße" is nearby too. Really nice park, we often meet there to play football. We will be there on sunday again, so you can join us if you want!

See you Torben
answered Sep 18, 2015 by Torben
Yeah, he's right! check it out there :)
Sure, we'll do that. When will u be there on sundy?
11pm ;) I hope to see you there
ok thx!
+1 vote
Gleisdreieck Park (U-Bahnhof / S-Bahnhof: Yorckstraße - U7 / S2)
answered Jan 23, 2017 by Gordon
0 votes
answered Dec 29, 2015 by worldnoir
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