Hi I really want to learn guitar and i am y doing that on my own but it's a little bit difficult  .. I am learning by watching videos on YouTube but it is still hard so if you can help me it would be really great ... I live in Bad Säckingen btw .
asked Nov 29, 2015 in Activities by Omar Jamal Al Deen | 621 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Hello Omar, I found this music school at Bad Säckingen. This is the address:
Jugendmusikschule BS     
Friedrichstraße 33     
79713 Bad Säckingen     
Tel.: 07761-2416     

You can call them or send them an e-mail or maybe just go there and if they have a notice board maybe you can post an ad saying that you would like to find someone who can teach you the basics :) Hope it helps.
answered Nov 30, 2015 by Alex
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