Researching on internet I've found this initiative for refugees called Kiron university: https://kiron.university/. I've finished by bachelor degree back in Damascus. I'm waiting for the certificate. Once I've got it could I apply for a master in as part of this initiative? I would like to continue my studies while I can here in Germany. Does anyone know if they offer this possibility?

Thank you, I'd really appreciate any answer I could get

Ahmed B.
asked Nov 25, 2015 in Other Questions by Ahbish | 1,503 views
Hi Ahmed, I also did some research and unfortunately Kiron university does not offer master courses. You can check that on ther FAQ page: https://kiron.university/faq
There are other possibilities however:
Have you heard about this? The University Potsdam offers courses for refugees who already have studied economics. It´s worth contacting them! ****://***.uni-potsdam.de/international/incoming/refugees.html
Hello Ahmed, as soon as you got your certificate you can apply at any german university for a master degree. For example in Bayreuth: ****://***.vwl.uni-bayreuth.de/de/2_Studieninteressierte/Masterstudiengang_Studieninfos_englisch/index.html Studying in Germany is mostly free accept from a little administrative fee and private universities. ****://***.studying-in-germany.org/information-for-refugees/

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2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Oh, sorry this should have got into the answer not the comment, but anyways:
you can go to one of Berlin's universties and ask whether they can help you. There is a special consultation for refugees at the Student Service Center (SSC) in the main building of the Humboldt Universität:
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
every Tuesday between 1 and 3 p.m. (until 15.12.2015) in German, English, Farsi or Arabic. You do not need to make an appointment.
Email: refugees.welcome@hu-berlin.de
Further information: https://***.hu-berlin.de/en/studies/counselling/special-office-hour-for-refugees/additional-consultation?set_language=en

Otherwise you could go to the
International Office (Internationales Büro), First Advice for International Applicants, Room 2257 (Lichthof West, Level 2), Main building:
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
Mon: 1-3 pm, Tue: 10am – 1pm & 2pm – 4pm, Wed: 1pm – 4pm
Telephone: +49 30 2093 46724
Email: erstberatung-auslaender@hu-berlin.de

There is something similar at the Freie Universität: There is also a special consultation offer for refugees at the ZE Sprachenzentrum (language centre) concerning your study issues in German, English and Arabic:
From December onwards every second Thursday from 10-12am at the
Freie Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, Room KL26/107
Further information:

Otherwise you can go to the Studierenden Service Center (SSC) (General Advice for appliance for international students) for general advice
Mon – Thu: 9am – 5pm, Fri: 9am – 3pm
Iltis Str. 1, 14195 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 838 70000
Email: info-service@fu-berlin.de

Further information on the Freie Universität’s guest auditor program:

There is also a School for Economics in Berlin: Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht (Berlin School of Economics and Law) (HWR):
Special Consultation for Refugees:
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Building 1, 2nd floor
Tue: 10am – 12, Thu 3pm – 5pm
Phone: +49 30 30877 2520
Email: studienberatung@hwr-berlin.de
Central Student Advisory Centre (Zentrale Studienberatung) Campus Schöneberg
Badensche Str. 52
10825 Berlin
Building A, 3rd floor, Room 3.31
Mon & Tue 10-14, Thu 10-6
Phone: Tue & Thu: 14- 15 +49 30 30877 1254
you might ask there, too

Good luck!!
answered Nov 26, 2015 by Lea
Thank you so much Lea! I will check out all these options! :)
thanks for all the information, Lea. :)
0 votes
Dear Ahmed,

Thanks for your message. We do not currently offer Masters degrees at Kiron. We are solely focusing on the Bachelor system at the moment, as we want it to work smoothly for as many people as possible.

If you have a Bachelors degree from another university, you can apply regularly to German universities once you have your defined status. Many universities have programs in place to support refugees in particular, so you could get in touch with a university close to you. Many Master courses are offered in English. I know this post is from a while ago put I still wanted to suggest these options:

There are also these programs you can **** at:

***.daad.de is the website of the German Academic Exchange Service. DAAD offers varied information to those who want to study or research in Germany.

***.inobis.de is a portal for international study applicants. INOBIS contains two databases: the Zeugnis-Datenbank provides information about the assessment of foreign university entrance qualifications in Germany, and the Bewerbungscheckliste (application check list) informs about courses of study, departments and degrees at uni-assist universities. You can also apply directly to uni-assist universities..

***.study-in-germany.de is a comprehensive information portal for international students, academics and researchers in Germany offered by Deutsche Welle. Study in Germany is published in German and English as well as six other languages.

***.uni-assist.de assists international study applicants with the application for admission to German universities. The online application service allows you to apply to more than 90 universities in Germany.
Source: https://***.testas.de/en/link_en.htm

Kind regards,

Kiron Student Support

answered Nov 13, 2016 by Kiron-HelpDesk
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