I'm a refugee and I haven't finished the registration procedure yet. I live in Berlin but I have relatives living around the city and I would like to know if it's possible to use public transportation without having to pay every time. I've heard it is possible for refugees to get tickets for a reduced price, since we cannot afford to pay so much money. So far the few times I've traveled I've had to pay the whole fare. Does anyone have more information about this?
asked Nov 25, 2015 in Home & Living by Salma | 1,954 views

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3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
Hello Sasla,

see this Information: ****://tinyurl.***/q27foey.
This is a translation via Google Translate:

Refugees can go without a ticket train
Train conductors of Deutsche Bahn have been instructed to require refugees no ticket. Hence, they can continue to travel by train through Germany, without paying for anything.

The statement goes on to say that refugees neither a penalty may be imposed as fare dodgers, nor that the police must be informed.

Also for the East German railway GmbH exist similar regulations because a ticket sale to refugees "impossible" was "due to refusal to pay or language barriers." "It does not help to conceal truths before the citizens," said the Thuringian FDP politician Thomas Kemmerich.

Regards, Jan
answered Nov 25, 2015 by Jan
Thanks a million :)
+1 vote
I don't believe it. Can you please give any big newspaper's link?
answered Dec 21, 2015 by Don’t Know
That means I can travel without ticket in NRW also?
Hi MoniLink

Well, the 'Thüringer Allgemeine' is source of the link I gave above.
Informations aren't unreliable only because of they are shared by
a small newspaper.
How 'big' must a newspaper be that you believe?
In fact you have to value the information given.
Internal service instructions can change some day and in this case you can
be sure they will!

Regards, Jan
Thank you so much Jan !!! That means I can travel without ticket in Germany?
No, not in general. At the time the information at the beginnung of this thread was given the service team of the German railroad organisation (Deutsche Bahn) was overwhelmed by the amount of refugees arriving. Therefore it was a practical solution to let refugees travel free becaus ticket controlling was nearly impossible. The risk of running into a conflict with "Deutsche Bahn" without a ticket was near zero at the beginning of october. The situation now may have changed. So in short: You need a ticket. But in case you have none it may be considered as expression of a urgent need. As I mentioned above the internal instructions of Deutsche Bahn can change every day! Hope that helps to make things a bit more transparent. Greetings, Jan
Thanks a lot Jan
Hi MoniLink, I did a recherche again to verify the original information I gave. You wanted a 'big' newspaper to confirm the statement of the newspaper 'Thüringer Allgemeine". Here is one of the german major players in media: ****://tinyurl.***/jjso2gp (German text, maybe you have to use a translation service). It's very important for me to assert that informations given by the  wefugee community are reliable and no rumour. Regards, Jan
Hi MoniLink again, here is an information update from the 'Thüringer Allgemeine': ****://tinyurl.***/znsnbjb. Hope this makes things clear, Jan
+1 vote
hi salma,

with kind regards you are not entitle to travel all over the germany without a valid ticket as far as know.
if you get caught then simply you have to pay fine, which is really a big amount and also will make a red cross on your papers.
so better not to travel without a ticket specially when you are out of your city.
i rather give you a advise to talk with your Rathaus i bet they willl help you to find the best for you.
also if you alrealy ahave a social pass( little orrenge one) the you might have discount on your tickets. from my experience you should not travel without tickets.

hope it will help you !
answered Dec 23, 2015 by Smile
The service instruction of "Deutsche Bahn" I mentioned above was a temporary restricted emergency solution, I thoght I made that clear! If you read the newspaper article I shared with my links you may notice the "Deutsche Bahn" even gave a kind of substitution ticket to refugees without a ticket. But again: The internal service instruction was valid for the months of October an early november, it may have changed since then. To say it clear: In common you need a ticket for German trains.
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