Hey, last Saturday everything was closed in Berlin and I needed to get some medicaments, what shall I do if I need medicaments again on such days? Like where shall I go or who shall I call? #medication #nights #Sundays #holidays
asked Oct 5, 2015 in Healthcare by Amou76 | 2,216 views

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In general, try to plan ahead since German pharmacies and shops opening times are relatively restrictive. Also note that a lot of medicine is prescription-only, so you will need to get a prescription from a doctor in order to get this kind of medicine.

If you need prescription-free medicine (like painkillers etc.) at night or on a Sunday, you can locate a "Notdienst Apotheke", i.e. a pharmacy which operates outside normal opening hours, via this website: ****://***.akberlin.de/notdienst.html.
In the first field, "Datum/Uhrzeit", enter the date in the format dd.mm.yyyy.
In the second field, "Uhr", enter the time in the format hh:mm.
In the third field, choose your district from the drop-down menu.
Also, each pharmacy when it is closed will have a note saying which is the nearest "Notdienst Apotheke" or "Nachtapotheke".

If you need urgent medication which is prescription-only (like antibiotics etc.), you'll have to go to a hospital during these times.
answered Oct 5, 2015 by Neram
Thank you that helps much
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