Please find herewith a list of contacts for helping refugees in Duisburg including everything from German classes and free time activities to donations.

However, one guy asked for contacts in Neuss. He would like to donate some warm winter clothing. Can anybody help?

asked Sep 22, 2015 in Other Questions by Astrid | 857 views
Hallo Astrid, super, dass du dabei bist!! Ich hätte noch ein paar Tipps für dich, wie du deine Posts hier noch effektiver gestalten kannst.
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Ich freue mich schon auf deine nächsten Posts!
Ganz liebe Grüße
Torben vom Wefugee Team
Hallo Torben, danke für den herzlichen Willkommensgruss und die Informationen!

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1 Answer

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Hello Astrid. Thank you for your post and your support through the information. I found this website with Infos about donating clothes in Neuss:
Please send the link to your friend so he can donate his winter clothes before the fall is over :).

Best regards
answered May 3, 2016 by juanarguello
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