I have women clothes to donate
Thank you for the info!
asked Sep 9, 2015 in How can I help? by Angela | 1,943 views
Guten Tag Angela! Where do you live? So it is easier to help you find the nearest place.

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Great! Deutsches Rotes Kreuz needs your clothing donations. Here is an address along with a link to their website where you can find all the necessary information.

DRK Kreisverband Köln e.V.
Oskar-Jäger-Str. 101-103
50825 Köln-Braunsfeld

montags, dienstags und donnerstags jeweils von 7:30 bis 10:30 Uhr

answered Sep 10, 2015 by Petra M.
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