Hi, I hope someone who reads this post can really help my brother.
My brother left Afghanistan for Germany for 8 years. All these eight years he has been useful and successful and has learned German completely.
But lately, she has been suffering from severe anxiety and depression in a way that she can do nothing and is suffering from stress at all times.
 He does not have the necessary documents to visit his family. Yeni's passport. If anyone has useful information about this, please let me know. My brother lives in Ludwigshafen, Rhineland. We are very worried and we can not do anything. He is alone and has no one. He has a history of schizophrenia and may commit suicide.My brother has been treated in a psychiatric clinic for the past 3 weeks, but his stress is getting worse every day.
Please help her. We really do not know what to do to make her feel better. The only possible solution is to see the family, who is unable to see us due to the lack of a passport.
asked Jun 13, 2022 in Healthcare by Moon_7th | 495 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Moon_7th,

I am very sorry to hear that your brother is suffering so much and understand that you are very worried. Did you read the answers my colleague and me gave in your earlier opened thread

I am afraid that we can not provide much more advice in regard to his situation on this platform. Again, I would highly recommend that he is getting some individual support in a counseling office. Only there it is possible to assess his situation and condition in a holistic way to find the best help.

All the best for you and your brother,


answered Jun 14, 2022 by Meike
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