Hello, actually I live in Sachsen in Landkreis Meißen not for choice but at the moment I don't have other choice I must be here because I'm appealing my asylum request.

I'm pregnant and recently I spoke with my gynecologist about my wish of get birth by caesarean. He refused it and said that it's not allow in Sachsen (wunschkaiserschnitt), in a few words I can't choose how I want to get my baby I don't have the rigth to choose on my own body? That is true? I can't understand how that can be true... We're in 2021.

So I have a few questions about it my insurance it's AOK plus, I want to know if Can I use it in Branderburg for example in Berlin? Can I have my baby there? Or it's a problem? If the AOK don't want to pay it, We can pay for it if the money if the problem here. I would like to know where my rights as a woman and my body can be respected?
asked Oct 12, 2021 in Healthcare by Faga0206 | 550 views

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I'm happy to inform to every women that wish to have a baby by caesarean, probably you find some resistance in Sachsen, in this Federal state they have some prehistoric laws about the women's rigth and mostly of the doctor don't approve it. I come from America and there you can choose the way that you want to get birth your baby that's way was very difficult to me when they said that kind of stuff and some times it's more difficult beacuse the language if very difficult find someone that speak english here, so in a few words if you want and have the possiblitys to do it you can get birth your baby in the Federal state that you choose and in the hospital that you choose too, the peoples outside Sachsen see the life in a different way they see you like a person not like an inmigrant mostly of them off course not everybody is a good person like in every place in the planet. You only need your "Mutterpass" and your "Krankenkasse". I have my baby in Berlin and I only went there in 2 ocasion on time to enroll and make the all preoperative exams and the next time to the get birth my baby so good luck and don't care about what said the other people if you wish is something normal and reasonable do it!!!

answered Feb 18, 2022 by Faga0206
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