I come Germany  in 2017 I was 17years underage ,I was before in Italy i got nigative result  .. i move to germany now I'm  going to school  I'm in 10 class my final year .. but I have never sake and asylum in Germany my ID is Duldung am scared of deportation, ..because my asylum storie is weak that's what my formont said , he doesn't want me to sake an asylum...  I'm going to UK next month can i sake asylum there if i don't have any asylum here in Germany .. I hAve only fingerprint here ...
asked Jan 16, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by Mo_singz | 1,732 views

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Dear @Mo_singz,

Thank you for reaching out to us again.

First of all: have you ever talked to a refugee legal aid service in Germany about your situation? 

As you asked about finding an Ausbildung in your previous thread, have you already checked if there is anything you would like to apply for?

Since you mentioned that you have already received a rejection in Italy, and Germany has your finger-prints, it would unfortunately be impossible to apply for asylum in the UK. That is due to the Dublin III Regulations, which affect where you can apply for asylum or which country is responsible for your case. If you apply in the UK, the authorities will check the European database and find out you already applied in Italy/ lived and went to school in Germany. They may transfer you back then and will recognize one of these countries to be responsible for your case.

You can have a **** at this or other threads on our platform for similar cases:

Can a rejected asylum seeker in the UK apply again in Italy?

I hope I could answer your question, please feel free to reach out to us again if you need further assistance!

Kind regards,


answered Jan 21, 2019 by Isa
Okay thank you  so much  isa..
The reason why I want to sake and asylum it's because  auslanderhöre said if  I finish the schooling I have to bring paper from my country ,  date of birth or anything,  .. that they can give me right to do my ausbildung..?

 It make me kinda confuse do know what to do ...
Dear @Mo_singz, Thank you for getting back to me with your question and sorry for the waiting time! Did the Ausländerbehörde refer to a birth certificate or passport? From what I could find, the most important legal requirement to find an Ausbildung is to receive an "Arbeitserlaubnis" from Ausländerbehörde. Furthermore, you would need sufficient language skills and match some qualifications. The following links can help to understand your rights and options to get an Ausbildung in Germany quite well, you may have to use a translation tool: https://***.jobstarter.de/de/voraussetzungen-fuer-den-einstieg-von-gefluechteten-in-ausbildung.html#Rechtliche https://***.proasyl.de/news/anspruch-auf-ausbildung-informationen-zur-neuen-rechtslage-fuer-geduldete/ I hope this helps! Since I'm unsure about the document they asked for, please consider reaching out to a refugee council where you can talk to someone in person. There are support services as well that can help you with finding a spot. All the best :-) Isa
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