hello i need urgent advice,

after having a residence permit for 5 years and i applied for permanent residence in sweden as an asylum seeker my asylum was cancelled plus a ban of 2 years not to enter sweden. right now i am in germany with my wife but i don't have residence here. i only have a duldung here so should i apply for asylum here or not?

i applied for family reunion in germany but auslander rejected my application even after making an appeal, there rejection was based on me coming to germany without a a valid visa, the auslander then refered my case to the regierungspräsidium freiburg where i am still waiting for a decision upto now.we have tried to make babies but all we get are miscourages because of the stress on me and my wife.but my wife has residence in germany but her residence is not based on asylum ,she got her residence from her child with a germany man 9 years ago. right now i am fully dependent on my wife because its more than 8 months i don't have any income

1.can i apply asylum here in germany now or i have to wait for a decision from regierungspräsidium freiburg?

2.if i apply for asylum how can i use it to enforce my family reunification with my wife? because i am mostly interested in family reunion right now 

i need all sorts of advice please

asked Nov 10, 2021 in Asylum proceedings by juma | 458 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @juma,

Welcome again and thank you for reaching out to us. I am afraid that I can not give you much more information than in my answer in the last thread you opened and in which you explained your quite complicated situation earlier. Did you contact a counselling office already? It is hardly possible to give you a profound and reliable legal advice on this public Q&A plattform. Nevertheless, maybe other community members can share more information or own experiences.

I wish you all the best and please don't hesitate to keep us updated on your situation or get back to us with any other questions.

All the best,


answered Nov 14, 2021 by Meike
no i have not found any counselling office yet
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