asked Jul 1 in Education by Badroo347 | 599 views

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Dear @Badroo347,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question.

I actually didn't know this programme but found their website which provides some information. You are talking about this, right (they give details in various languages)?

If I understand correctly, the programme is not a qualified "Ausbildung" in that sense but they state that it includes:

  • Preparation for nursing assistant or nursing assistant training (including nursing, language, secondary school lessons and qualification as a caregiver in accordance with Section 53b SGB XI)
  • authentic insight into nursing through early nursing and care internships
  • Graduates meet the entry requirements for nursing training and can optionally continue with it

Whether it can qualify for the one year "Ausbildung" you may complete before entering the qualified (2 years +) "Ausbildung" and already receive i.e. an "Ausbildungsduldung" for it, I can not say for sure (we discussed this topic in a thread you opened before). I recommend to get in contact with the programme management for individual advice and get some support in a counselling office in this as well.

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions (preferably in this thread if it is about the same question).

All the best,


answered Jul 3 by Meike
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