Dear Meike,

Thanks for your answer, as you have ask to me to share my location. I live in langenselbold, this city situated in between hanau and gelnhausen. I also want to know that do vhs conduct the A2 exam?

Kind Regards,

Wasim Ahmad 

related to an answer for: German Language A2 Exam.
asked Jun 9 in Other Questions by Wasim Ahmad | 451 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear Wasim Ahmad,

Thank you for your reply - maybe next time you can use the comment function in the same thread instead of opening a new one if you want to get back to us. This will help us to keep a good overview.

I am not very familiar with the institutions in that area and my research wasn't very successful either. I recommend you to contact a migration counselling office (here the contact details for the Red Cross Counselling and here for the Diakonie as well as Caritas) - I am sure they can give you tips and detailed information about the local options (and yes, it is possible that a VHS is offering the A2 exam).

However, I also saw that the Goethe Institut is offering an A2 exam, for example in Frankfurt. You could register here. I learned that there is even availability for the exam in August.

I hope this helps and also please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jun 10 by Meike
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