Hello and good morning, may you are in a good health.

My fiance has been granted with subsidiniary protection on Feb 2022. We are now in the process to get married in Germany and has compiled all the documents.

However, my fiance still holding his Fiktionsbescheinigung after a year and has ben renewed. Upon checking it turns out that there is an open crimininal offense in his case.

May we know if people who came to Germany as an undocumented person would be charged later on even though they got positive result from the bamf. Because my fiance has done no criminal during his staying in Germany.

Thank you so much. Any advice and guidance would be really appreciated.
asked May 16, 2023 in Legal advice by anonymous_ | 925 views

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Hi @Arie 

I have answered and furthered commented on your question here.

answered May 19, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
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