I am working with amazon but my salary isn't enough i am getting 1200 euro or 1300 euro and i am not getting any better job because i dn't know german language i want to learn the language but job center said i have job so cn't do that if my employer terminate me then i can do i dn't understand the logic behind this my rent is 780 euro 90 euro electricity i have g. F and my son with me and like this managing very difficult for me what i can do for that please give me any advise on this.... Thanku so much
asked Mar 17, 2023 in Information & Offers by Jammu | 656 views

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1 Answer

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Hi @Jammu,

As I understand it, you are as a family receiving some money from the Jobcenter.

If you wish to take part on an integration course, you can do this by applying for permission to do so from BAMF. As you are working, you'll have to try and find a part-time course. Here you can search for a language school oferring the integration course in your area:


If you are getting help from the Jobcenter, you do not have to pay for the course.



answered Mar 22, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
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