I am Asylum seeker in germany with Aufenthalgestatung. My previous experience and education is for Hotelfachmann. If I have employee to same job opportunity can I apply aufenthalerlaunes with fachkräftemangel?? Or do ai need to do Ausbildung 3+2 for aufenthalerlaunes?
asked Jul 23, 2021 in Work by Coop | 1,957 views

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Dear @Coop,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again.

If you are holding a so-called "Aufenthaltsgestattung", your asylum procedure is still pending, right? In this case, you may be granted a humanitarian residence permit, which will also allow you to work in Germany. 

If your asylum application gets rejected and you either don't appeal in court or the court confirms the BAMF's decision, you could receive a Duldung. A Duldung is a so-called "temporary suspension of the deportation" and is issued if there are reasons which de facto prevent a deportation. After holding the Duldung for a certain period and fulfilling the respective requirements, people may apply for an "Ausbildungsduldung" or "Beschäftigungsduldung". Please follow the links for more information.

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jul 25, 2021 by Meike
Hi Meike,

Thanks for prompt response.

In my case I have offered ausbildung by employee for both me and my wife. Both of us holding Aufenthalgestatung. Previously we had Dublin and still waiting for BAMF answer of Asylum interview. So hopefully I will sign ausbildung contract before Wednesday. What will be next procedure. I habe my ID, birtj certificate, married certificates too. But not passport right now. Will Ausländerbehörde give us approval? If approved I need to changy city within my state NRW as employee required. Os ot possible? If me and my wife get 700*2 1400 euro per month from ausbildung after reducing health insurance does job Center pr Agentur für Arbeit helping us with apartment rental? Sorry for asking many questions. I am on middle of confusion.
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