I claimed asylum in canada and accepted but i want to live in europe. If i claim asylum in there it will be problem for me or not ?
closed with the note: Questions are getting closed after a year of no interaction.
asked Dec 11, 2020 in Asylum proceedings by Alien | 2,110 views
Waiting for answers please

Thank you for reaching out to us, dear @Alien

There was a very similar question raised on this platform before (https://***.wefugees.de/808501/can-apply-for-asylum-in-germany-as-protected-person-in-canada?show=808501#q808501). 

However, I will link two of our experts here again. Maybe we can collect some more information on this. Dear @mbeon-Ruth or @mbeon-fardeen, can you help out? 

All the best, 


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