My baby received a prohibition of deportation but we his parents we're rejected and are in the process of appeal, can we receive any residence as parents?
asked Mar 20, 2020 in Legal advice by Faga0206 | 955 views

Dear @Faga0206

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us. 

However, some more details on your situation will be helpful to fully understand. Are you all living together as a family? I also find it interesting, that your case as parents is still in court and the child's case is already finished. Maybe you can also explain on that a bit more. 

In case you do not live together with your child and its mom, you may want to check some threads in which we discussed similar constellations before (as i.e. https://***.wefugees.de/800048/residence-permit-germany-because-mother-residence-permit). 

Looking forward to your respond. 

All the best, 


We arrive together to Germany, my baby is Colombian but my wife and I are Venezuelan so we have diferents files. So my wife and I were denied and we had to appeal, then my baby's decision came and it's positive. We still live in an arrival center.

Dear @Faga0206

Thank you for your reply and explanation. 

That kind of situation is also new to me. But maybe one of our experts is more familiar with similar constellations. I will link two of them here.

Dear @mbe-on_Zsigó or @mbeon_Kiki, do you have any recommendations or an advice? 

All the best, 


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1 Answer

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Dear @Faga0206,

I have read your question in the community. I am a councelor of the mbeon-group, @mbe-on_Zsigó   And I would ask you to do the following thing: Please download the mbeon app to your cell-phone (I hope, you have one). You can do this using one of the following links:

IOS: https://apps.apple.***/de/app/mbeon-messengerberatung/id1408795643

Android: https://play.google.***/store/apps/details?id=de.zone35.mbeon

I would like to take a **** in the letter about your decisions. It would maybe help to find an answer. The app is confidential.

You can find me in the app under the name: Alzey, Herr Zsigó.

Thank you for your trust.

Yours sincerelly


answered Mar 26, 2020 by mbe-on_Zsigó
mbeon App

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For confidential one-on-one consultations in a secure virtual space, we work with mbeon. You can download the mbeon app free of charge from the App Store or Google Play Store and have private conversations with mbeon consultants there:

Link for iPhone
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