
Me and my fiancé have a question about marriage in Germany.

Am a swedish citizen and he is an asylum seeker in Germany. We have been togheter for over 1 year and want to get married but duo to his asylum situation we don't know what to do. He can't come to sweden legally so we have ot get married in Germany and then apply for him to come to Sweden.

he docent have his passport since he lost it on his way to Germany but what he has is:

- persian ID card

- persian drivers licens

- and before he left he took a photo scan of his passport in case he would lost it, and he hast the file.

Sweden said that after we get married in Germany they can accept that instead of his passport but does Germany accept this instead of a passport to let ut get married? And to be clear he has a photo scan of the passport that shows all the information. He can't go to the embassy to get a new one duo to his asylum application.

Best regards

asked Dec 25, 2019 in Legal advice by saranem93 | 907 views

Dear @saranem93

Thank you for reaching out to the Wefugees community! 

I just saw your second thread you opened containing the same question. In order to keep a better overview and information in one place, I will close that one. I hope you understand. 

I am very sure, that one of our experts will get back to you soon. 

As there are many people on leave between Christmas and the New Year, it just takes a bit more time in these days. 

Thanks for your understanding again and all the best, 


Okey , thank you. I will wait for an answer.

// Sara

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Dear @saranem93, thank you for contacting the wefugees community. I suggest that your fiancé goes to the local registry office and asks, what documents are needed. Your case is really special. I am quite sure that not every registry office in Germany would handle your case the same way. So it would be best to explain to them what documents you have (including the foto) and what else you should bring. And you must mention the asylum procedure, which means your fiancé cannot simply go to his embassy and apply for papers. The staff at the registry office is probably not familiar with asylum law. To be sure there is no misunderstanding, your fiancé should take a translator to the appointment. I hope I could answer your question! Please note that this is only general information that cannot replace qualified legal advice. Kind regards Ruth
answered Jan 6, 2020 by mbeon-Ruth
0 votes
hi, l am also getting married to Swedish man. l have been to the Standesamt and surely they need original passport and birth certificate not photocopies etc... Hope that helps too from what Meike said.
answered Jan 23, 2020 by kathy
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