I am asylum seeker.I am living in Germany since March 2012.
I am working and last year I started studing biomedical engineering from furtwangen.
On 10 of next month I Will appear in the court and they will decide about my asylum wheather I will get or not.
What is my chances to get successfully.
What can I do if rejected.
asked Dec 1, 2018 in Legal advice by Mirza usman | 1,937 views

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2 Answers

0 votes

Dear @Mirza-usman, 

thank you for your question and welcome to the community. 

I'm going to link our expert in asylum proceedings @Nilab here, who will get back to you shortly! 

Meanwhile, you can have a **** at these previously asked questions - maybe some of the answers help: https://***.wefugees.de/801045/im-rejected-nigerian-asylum-seeker-in-germany-what-to-do-next?show=801045#q801045


All the best, 


answered Dec 7, 2018 by Isa
0 votes

Dear @Mirza-usman, 

first of all congrats for the court appointment and for having started studying in Germany. 

You seem to be well ingrated in Germany so your chances good to make a good first impression. Make sure you have discussed with your lawyer all the questions and your answers. 

Once there say everything needed and be clear, do not fear anything. If they reject your case you appeal again (Berufung) if this does not work you can do the so called "Folgeantrag". 

I hope we coud help you, best of luck! 

Best regards, 


answered Dec 17, 2018 by Nilab
Hello Nilab
Hope you will receive this e-mail with good health.
Now my case is rejected and my layer says we don't have to go to high court because it Will be expensive to go in high court. that is second time my application for asylum is rejected.
I am living here in Germany since March 2012 almost 7 years and doing
Master in biomedical engineering from furtwangen university germani.
And next semester,I will do my thesis and finish my degree .
What can I do now and what is chances in getting something.
Thank you in advance.
Mirza usman baig
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