Is there any law that can make hurdle in coming back as my first and we here was illegal as a refugee
asked Nov 20, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Najma | 741 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Najma thank yu for sharing your question with us. As for your question: They might ask some questions on this but while you are here contact the embassy in your homecoutry send all papers and ask them if there will be some issues. However, if one is married to a German the authorities can question many things but once its proofen that you are married and plan a life together they give you the visa. So as you are still here get a written statement from Ausländerbehörde that they ask you to return to your home country and apply for a visa there. I hope we could assist you, if further questions arise please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Best regards, Nilab
answered Nov 21, 2018 by Nilab
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