My fiance is from Cameroon and living in Germany as an asylee. We want to marry in US. What is the best route to take?

His asylee status should be approved this month. He will be visiting his brother in USA soon then return back to Germany. We intend to get married in America since we both have family here. When we apply for the K1 visa, will he do the interview in Germany? His 11 year old daughter is living with her grandmother in South Africa, she will be on the application as well. Would her living in S.A. pose a problem when trying to bring her along?
asked Oct 26, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by cameriaca | 632 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @cameriaca, thank you for joining us in the community. As for your questions: 1. Yes, he will have to take the interview in Germany. 2. With the child being somewhere else might pose a problem- in such that it will take more time to process all the case together. Here could be onke solution that he brings through family unification his daughter to Germanyand then you apply for visa to the US. The US authorities have more rigid immigration laws now. I hope I could help you, if more guidance is needed please feel free to use the platform. Best regards, Nilab
answered Oct 26, 2018 by Nilab
Thanks for your quick response. Concerning his daughter, what if we bring her later from south Africa instead of her going to Germany?
Dear @cameriaca, yes, this will work out as well. Best regards, Nilab
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