I am a refuge in Netherlands and have a 5 years recidence permit. But I want to work in Germany and found a job. So am I allowed to work in Germany. Please let me know
asked Jan 4, 2018 in Work by James34 | 1,222 views
@marcel:can you help?
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1 Answer

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Hi @James34 :)

I'm not an expert on this topic, yet I did a little bit of research about it. This is what I found: Refugees in the EU are allowed to travel to other countries for a maximum of 90 days per half-year. But you are neither allowed to work there nor are you entitled to get social benefits. If you accept a job offer and start to work, it’s illegal.

However, you can move and work somewhere else (for example in Germany) after having lived in the Netherlands for 5 years.

I found these information in this article: https://***.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article159199321/Warum-anerkannte-Fluechtlinge-unbedingt-nach-Deutschland-wollen.html

All the best,
answered Jan 8, 2018 by Lea
thanks for your reply. I agree with you that after living 5 years in Netherlands.
I'm glad that I could help you :)
appreciate it
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