What do these two types of working conditions actually mean?
asked Oct 11, 2016 in Work by WefugeesEvent | 930 views

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4 Answers

+5 votes

No. There is a minimum wage (8,50 Euro per hour) and it is illegal to pay less. No matter how much hours you work per week. Of course it is possible that an employer pays more than the minimum wage per hour. That always depends on your work contract.
answered Oct 11, 2016 by @RB
+5 votes

Keep in mind that there is a huge difference between regular jobs and self-employed. When you are self-employed it can happen that your income is lower than the minimum wage. The amount of money that ends up on your bank account always depends on how much sales your business generates.
answered Oct 11, 2016 by Leo
+3 votes

part-time jobs are good for people that want to study at the same time, that are parents or that have to go to integration classes. Usually you work 40 hours a week, but you have the right to ask your employer if you can do it in part-time. If you work part-time the workload reduces to an amount of time between 20 or 30 hours a week.
answered Oct 13, 2016 by EmilyK
+2 votes
Can I work part-time and work as a freelancer at the same time?
answered Oct 11, 2016 by WefugeesEvent
Yes, that is possible. But you should talk to your employer to ask if he allows that. Keep in mind that this is way more complex when it comes to taxes.
It is also quite important that with an Aufenthaltsgestattung (residence title for specific purposes) you are often not allowed to work self-employed. When you finished your process and got your residence status than you are always allowed to become self-employed.
I am a lawyer for tax-legislation. You do not have to pay more taxes just because you have two jobs at the same time, but you have to hand in a second tax return and you have to pay taxes for both. One problem could be that you need a permanent register address in order to start a business as a self-employed.
And you have to keep in mind that there is a limit of 17.500 Euros per year. Of course this is bad because it is an institutional integration obstacle.
Last week I have been to a conference with different people of ministries staff where this topic has been discussed as well. The attendants thought of solutions on how to integrate refugees into society faster and better. One point that has been discussed where those barriers you have to face when becoming self-employed.
Self-employment is always a good idea in case you can not find an apprenticeship or a job. This way you can also collect work experience which will help to find other jobs later on.
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