My volunteer friends and I would like to host a welcoming dinner for Arabic refugees, but we are not sure what kind of food we should avoid according to Halal rules? Can anyone give us a little bit more information about this topic?

Thanks a million!
asked Nov 6, 2015 in How can I help? by Beatriz | 773 views

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2 Answers

+5 votes
Hallo, according to the Islamic dietary laws foods that are not halal for Muslims are:
- Pork
- Blood
- Intoxicants and alcoholic beverages
- Animals killed incorrectly and/or without Allah's name being pronounced before slaughter.

I believe the best you guys could do is to avoid meat, especially pork, and alcohol.

Hope it helps!
answered Nov 6, 2015 by Salma
+3 votes
Hi, I've researched this question and the only kind of meat that Muslims are not allowed to eat under any circumstances is pork. Other types of meat are OK as long as the animal has been slaughtered correctly, in the halal way.

Here is some information on requirements for halal slaughter (please be warned that some users may find this content upsetting): ****://halalcertification.ie/halal/islamic-method-of-slaughtering/

It is possible to buy certified halal meat in Turkish and Arabic supermarkets. Here is a list of halal shops in Germany:
(On a PC, you should be able to use the Find function (Ctrl+F) to search for your city in this list).
answered Jul 15, 2016 by Eleanor
You're right Eleanor!
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