Information for refugees to live in Germany. Private and free e-mail retrieval service. Is continually being expanded and includes free language courses. The information is offered in English, Spanish and German. The rough overview can be called up via an email to mailto:service.bk90de@gmx.de. The provision is automatic, the content of the e-mail is not read, and there are no data passed to other agencies. In the overview document retrieval options for detailed information are mentioned. The service runs long, but does occasionally also short breaks. This is a free and private information service that delivers information via email. It is fully automatic, but works only some hours a day. The request of certain information is done by the sending an emails with a specific subject. This is, if you want one of the offered dokuments, you have to send an email with an specific subject. The form ist ever mailto:service.bk90de@gmx.de?subject=REQ=XXXXXX but the XXXXXX has to be replaeced by a document specific number. In normal case your application will show you a link at the side of the documents name and info. Klick that link and yout application has to open a new email with the receiver service.bk90de@gmx.de and a subject which consists only of an REQ=XXXXXX. Send this email without any change and you will receive the new document. If you send an email to mailto:service@bk90de@gmx.de with any other subject or without subject you will receive a short overviewe of availabele documents.
asked Sep 23, 2015 in Other Questions by bk90de | 505 views
Hi sorry, but what do you do exactly? What informations do you mean?
Hey hey, vielen Dank, dass du dich bei Wefugee angemeldet hast. Wir haben uns vom Team aus auch mal durchgeklickt und leider auch etwas schwer getan dabei. Wir finden es aber um so toller, wie viel Arbeit du investierst hast, um diese ganzen Informationen zusammenzusuchen. Deswegen würden wir dir gerne vorschlagen, diese ganze Infos zu nutzen, um hier in der Community direkt auf Fragen zu antworten. Dann haben wir hier alles auf einen Blick zusammengetragen und können evtl. viel mehr Menschen auf einmal damit helfen. Gerne kannst du uns nochmal per Mail kontaktieren, um zu klären, wie wir das am besten anstellen.                      Ganz liebe Grüße                                                                                             Torben vom Wefugee Team

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1 Answer

+1 vote
hello, I tried to get information about this mailiing tool but it's to complecated and it takes to much time...sorry. I've sent 3 or 4 mails now but still no information..maybe it's my fault but may it would be better to post those information directly here. I think it would be better for everybody here in wefugee...what do you think?!
answered Sep 25, 2015 by Mena
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