Hello dear wefugees,

I am undocumented immigrant in Germany, i was on a student visa in another eu country but it has expired two years ago.

My girlfriend is pregnant and i want to get residence to be with my son. She wants to share custody with me to facilitate the application, can i apply for custody in Germany even i am undocumented? Which documents would i need?

Best regards
asked May 1 in Legal advice by Mouad1307 | 293 views
Hi @Mouad1307 I have answered your question about this previously and also added further in a comment to your response. I hope the situation is now clear. Éanna

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Yes, you can. Find a notar whose jurisdiction covers your situation. Make sure you're able to be identified(i mean you posses your passport)
answered May 2 by Alan065
Thanks, would a passport alone be enough? Can you please recommend somebody in the manheim area.
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