Good afternoon ma'am,Sir

I met my husband in Cameroon  and afternoon a while of dating he asked me to Marry him which I did because I was in love. We got married June 2021

And since he is German but original from Cameroon he asked me to relocate. Which I accepted to.

When we met he told me he was 37years old and that he has a 1year old son, I didn't have a problem with that because it isn't a crime to have a child. I was 24 then.

Two months into our marriage I found out that he had lied about his age an he wasn't 37 but he was indeed 45 and that that when we met he had no one year old son but the lady was a few weeks pregnant and she had just given birth. I confronted him with it but like always he cried and said he was sorry. Which I forgave him because I wanted my young marriage to work.

So fast forward ever since I came to Germany,
For some time now
My husband has been verbally and emotionally abusing me. It always a contant reminder that he picked me up from Cameroon and brought ne to Germany and that he could easily send me back anytime he wants. And he is threatening to kick me out of the house by canceling the house contract . I don't know what to do . 6 months ago I was operated and told I couldn't have kids naturally and for the past week it has been constant emotional torture on my inability to give him children.  I am constantly in depression and I need help and I just feel like dirt at this point

my husband now whenever we argue starts calling me names, threatening me with deportation. he says things like i'm the reason you're here and that the same way he brought me here, he will make sure i am sent back to my poor family and poor country and ear just 60euros. He has never been physical but I feel like it's a matter of time. I can barely concentrate and I easily forget things and constantly in depression.

My life is literally hell right now and i'm getting suicidal thoughts every now and then. Please I do really need all the help I can get. I am losing my sanity I am just 26 and my body can't take it anymore.
asked Apr 28 in Legal advice by Pinkish | 141 views

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Dear @Pinkish

I’m very sorry to read of your situation but I am glad you took the opportunity to ask for some help here. There are many people and organisations who can assist you with these issues. Your residency status or whether you speak German or not does not matter for you to get this help.

Firstly, if you feel in danger, you can call the police on 110. Their job is first of all to make sure you are safe. Any questions about your residency can be dealt with later.

If you feel you cannot cope with the situation and your health is in danger, you can call an ambulance on 112. Again, their job is to help you and not check your residency status.

If you are not in immediate danger, you can at any time contact a shelter for women. This is called a Frauenhaus in German and is a place where women in your situation can stay. Your location there will be kept secret. Again, your residency status or knowledge of German does not affect you being able to stay there. They will either have a staff member who speaks English or be able to organise a translator. They will assist you in clarify your residency status and getting financial assistance.

Here you can search for such a place in your area:


If that is not something you wish to do right now, you can contact a migrant support service in your area. These services are available all over Germany. Their help is free, confidential and you can usually find someone who speaks English or can organise a translator. I myself work as such a migrant advisor.

Here you can search for one in your area:


I can assure you that what your husband said “that that he could easily send me back anytime he wants” is not true. Your husband does not have the power to send you anywhere. Only the German authorities can do this and only once they have looked a person’s situation in detail. You have the right to have your situation heard.

From what you have written, I assume you have a residence permit according to paragraph 28, part 1, number 1 of the German immigration law (Aufenthaltsgesetz). This should be written on the front in the middle of your permit (Ausweis) and will **** something like ‘§ 28, Abs. 1, Nr. 1’.

It is true that if your relationship ends, you have to inform the immigration office (Ausländerbehörde) about this. What matters is if the relationship ends, not if there is a divorce. To know what happens next, I would have to know more about your situation.

If a person has been legally married to a German and living with them in Germany for at least three years, then the law is straightforward. After a separation the person will receive a residence permit for a year. They are allowed to work and can get help from the Jobcenter and other supports if necessary. This permit can be extended after a year.

If it has been less than three years married in Germany, then this right to stay is not automatic. However, in cases of domestic abuse, then a shorter amount of time also means the person is entitled to a permit. In this situation, you should get help from the services I have mentioned in communicating with the Ausländerbehörde.

If you require the help of a lawyer and cannot afford this, then you can also get free legal assistance called ‘Beratungshilfe’.

I wanted to provide you with a quick first answer based on what you wrote and reassure you that help is there. Again, I encourage you to contact the organisations I have mentioned. But you can also write again here or contact me via the app ‘mbeon’. It is free and confidential and you can contact me or other colleagues doing my job there:




answered Apr 29 by mbeon-Éanna
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