i am from afghanistan and my family is 4 person i got my residence permit for 3 years that called blue pass i want to search for rent appartment but no one is ready to give me rent the said the will not rent for jobcenter peoples what should i do please help me i am new in this sociaty i need help and guid .
asked Jan 31 in Other Questions by khisrow | 920 views

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Dear @khisrow,

thank you for sharing your question with us.

This is unfortunately a big problem for many people, who get help from Jobcenter or from Social Welfare Office (Sozialamt) in Germany. I don't know in which city of Germany you live, but in your city there might be some state owned- or -financed apartments, such as Sozialwohnungen, which you can apply for. Otherwise, you should not give up. There are still some landlords, who rent there apartments to those, who are supported by Jobcenter. It takes time and energy to search for such apartments and such landlords and find them, but eventually you can find them.

I don't know how the possibility of work for you and your family is, but if the possibility exists, you or another member of your family or more than one member of your family can start to work, so that you can find an apartment easily.

I hope, you have got your answer. I am a MBEON consultant. If you wish to contact me directly, you can see my profile and follow the instructions there.

Best wishes

Fardeen Noori

answered Feb 1 by mbeon-fardeen
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