I tried to get work visa from embassy but my application is denied. Can I try to apply resident permit directly from Germany ? My application denied due to missing documents. After I received the decision paper I made objection with additional documents but they still not giving any response to me. i rented a house in Germany but still cant move it due to my application. Can I apply work permit in Germany? Do I have any other option to follow apart from visa?
asked Jan 2 in Work by Aslan | 668 views

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Hi @Aslan

It is not clear from your question whether your company is asking you to go on a short-term basis to Germany and then return to Poland or move to Germany long-term.

In the first case, you do not need a work visa. This procedure is called ‘Entsendung’ in German. If a person is living and working legally in one EU country, then they can be sent to work in another EU country without needing a residence permit.

In the second case, you require a work visa from the German embassy. If you come to Germany and apply here, you will be told to go back to Poland and apply with the German embassy there.



answered Feb 22 by mbeon-Éanna
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