HI my name is Adiko Prince from Ghana living in Germany illegally now for 6years getting to 7years

I came to Germany under some NGO for one week studies and I didn't return but back since then and now I'm with a woman from South Sudan who is in her 3years in Germany with working permit and we plan have a child but is not working for us so she asked me find out if she can assist me to seek Asylum?

Thank you
asked Jan 1 in Legal advice by Prinz05 | 1,136 views

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Dear @Prinz05,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

I am afraid that you are in a rather complicated situation and that it is quite difficult to give tailored advice here. I would highly recommend to get in touch with a refugee counselling office to get some individual support. You don't need to worry - the counselling offered by organisations like Caritas, Diakonie, AWO, Red Cross etc. is confidential and free of charge. They will not report you to any authorities. Additionally to your long irregular stay in Germany, you are from a so-called safe country of origin and coming from such a country special rules apply to asylum applicants. Please see Handbook Germany's information on this topic as well.

As long as you are not officially married to your partner (who has a residence permit), there are no family (re-)unification visa/residence permit options either.

You may use this search engine to find a counselling office close to your location and don't hesitate to get back to us with any further question.

All the best,


answered Jan 5 by Meike
Thank you very for helping me with this kind hearted advice I'm really appreciate, and My partner knows such an institution you mentioned so discussed with with her and anything else I will come back here
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