Please can anyone explain to me what is freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung, Ausländerbehörde invite me to the office to come and write Test on the freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung, Please do anyone have this questions, which Ausländerbehörde is going to ask? If someone didn't pass the Test we it stop Ausländerbehörde to give Permit resident?
asked Aug 1, 2023 in Legal advice by Dickson | 3,179 views
Hi Dickson,
I don't think it's a real test per say, it's only a one page document to be signed by you and that's all.

Thank you so much, I have contact Diakonie in my city, she ask me to go and study the leben in Deutschland questions. I have leben in Deutschland certificate before. But according to my city, you must undergo 19 Questions from the freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung, before you can be issue paragraph 25b
@Great Man in your case, u only sign right?
@GreatMan  in your case, u only sign right?
@Dickson Do you remember some of the questions from that test " Freiheitliche Demokratische Grundordnung" ?
Hi Dickson,
based on my experience in most cases people don't take test for Freiheitlich-Demokratische Grundordnung.
Your local Ausländerbehörde will give you the document to sign and that's all to it.
Thank you and take care.

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8 Answers

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Dear @Dickson,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your important question.

I agree (partly) with Great Man. In many cases, the immigration office (Ausländerbehörde) will ask the applicant to understand and sign a document with a similar structure like this paper (you may also see this document). Others, however, were asked to submit the "Leben in Deutschland" test (you may prepare for this here). And then I learned about some cases in which applicants were actually asked some questions during the appointment at the immigration office about the "free and democratic order" in Germany (you find information about the German Basic Law "Grundgesetz" at Handbook Germany) to test if they really understood the meaning of the paper you have to sign. 

As far as I know, questions can be formulated like these (without liability and I am sure they vary as well):

1 Was für eine Staatsform hat Deutschland?

2 Im Punkt a auf dem Zettel werden die drei Staatsgewalten genannt. Was ist der Grundgedanke der Gewaltenteilung?

3 Können Sie mir zu jeder Gewalt ein Organ/ eine Behörde nennen?

4 In Deutschland finden in regelmäßigen Abständen Wahlen statt. Können Sie sagen, welche Funktion regelmäßige Wahlen haben?

5 Wie heißt das Staatsorgan, das durch das Volk gewählt wird?

6 In Punkt a werden auch die Wahlrechtsgrundsätze genannt. Nach diesen Grundsätzen müssen alle Wahlen in Deutschland ablaufen. Was bedeutet eine Wahl muss unmittelbar sein?

7 Stellen Sie sich vor, es würde in Deutschland ein Wahlsystem eingeführt werden, bei dem Personen die arbeiten und ins Sozialsystem einzahlen, dass deren Stimme mehr (z.B. doppelt oder dreifach) zählen, als die Stimme von Personen, welche nicht arbeiten und in das Sozialsystem einzahlen. Würden Sie persönlich so ein Wahlrechtssystem befürworten? Gegen welchen Wahlgrundsatz würde man verstoßen? Die Wahlen sind gleich, jede Stimme zählt gleich. 

8 In Punkt b steht, die Bindung der vollziehenden Gewalt an Gesetz und Recht. Was bedeutet das?

9 In Punkt c ist die Rede von einer parlamentarischen Opposition. Was ist das?

10 Können Sie mir die aktuellen Parteien nennen, die die Opposition im Bundestag sind?

11 In Punkt e steht die Unabhängigkeit der Gerichte. Was bedeutet das?

12 Können Sie mir ein paar Menschenrechte nennen?

13 Was ist denn das Grundgesetz?


If you are too worried about the appointment, I recommend you to contact a local counselling office. I am sure they are familar with the common practice of your immigration office and can explain you what to expect.

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to give us an update or to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Aug 5, 2023 by Meike
@Meike , the man in charge of my case request for either leben in deutschland or Einbürgerung certificate, does that mean i won't go through the process of the freiheitliche Grundordnung?
0 votes

I did my freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung May this year. I was asked 14 questions. You just have to be prepare. The test is not all about Leben in Deutschland, it also have to do with politics. German Basic Law. (Separation of Power; Executive, Legislative and Judicially system ) I was asked to give an example of Executive system of Government. 

well it all depends on Landratsamt. Some Landratsamts makes it easy why some makes it difficult for asylum seekers. 

answered Aug 5, 2023 by Gabby44
Where you ask to write theory test or an obj test ?  (In the obj ) I mean you will be given option to choose from
Have you been issue document now,?since you did yours in May
0 votes
@Dickson, it was oral questioning.
answered Aug 5, 2023 by Gabby44
Thanks for the information
@Gabby44 is it a must someone have to go through the process if someone submit Einbürgerung certificate or leben in Deutschland certificate to them? Never heard of this before .. or depend on the ausländerbehörde ?....
0 votes

@Felise, it is a must because the 25b Abs1 is intergraion residence permits and even if you already submitted Einbürgerung certificate or leben in Deutschland certificate to the authorities. Just that some ausländerbehörde  Makes it very hard. My landkreis is Dachau in Bayern, it was a real test, thank God i prepared very well. 

answered Aug 5, 2023 by Gabby44
@Gabby44 , na wa o.. I thought it is only A2 certificate, no criminal record , leben in deutschland certificate, working and not depending on job center that they need ... I never heard of the freiheitliche Grundordnung... mehn
@Gabby44 i just pray they only ask me to sign
In your questions, where you given answer to choose the correct ones, ist like the way you choose correct answers in leben in Deutschland test, Or How was the test like?
Please felise can I know more about how you apply for 25b because I also live in Dachau and I want to apply too please help me out because I believe we both us thesame landratsamt Dachau
Please my dear felise please can you tell me or let been in contact how you apply for 25b,because I saw you comment about your landratsamt in Dachau ,please we both use thesame landratsamt and I want to apply too please help me out I beg you my dear
@osas, i live in Dachau and I have 25b . Write me in my email. etingab45@yahoo.***
The email is invalid please do you have any other social media acct?
@Gabby44 the Email is invalid please can you help in any social media acct?
Bro , the email is valid. etingab45@yahoo.***      Check well bro or u can write me ur email so as to enable me send u message
Okay thanks bros I just sent you Email please check?
0 votes

@Felise, I hope so for you but try and meet Caritas in your landkreis they can help you with some of the questions

answered Aug 5, 2023 by Gabby44
0 votes
@Dickson, yes, I have my document already.
answered Aug 6, 2023 by Gabby44
The test is in Deutsch but I was told that interprete would be there
Then it will be more easier for you. I can also send you the English translation of the questions and answers. Have you been to your Caritas to ask for help? Like what to expect on that day?
I think the best thing, is to ask for help from my city ( Diakonie oder Caritas)
@Gabby44 how long was the duration until you was given/issued your residence permit??
After the test and submitting of my lohnabrechnung, it took about 9 weeks before it was given to me. You know we are in summer, offices are a bit slow
0 votes
Hallo, According to the questions to be expected in FDGO-TEST, sometimes this questions varies from State to State, and most questions come from Leben in Deutschland test, that if you live in Nordrhein-Westfalen but for other State is different,
answered Mar 5 by Dickson
0 votes
From what I noticed for those who applied under paragraph 25b usually write test while for those who apply under paragraph 104c are mostly the people who sign without writing test, As I said earlier it all depends on state by State, City by City to decide what they want
answered Mar 5 by Dickson
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