My Blue Pass and my Afenthaltstitel both expire on 15 December 2023. I am currently on a research fellowship in the USA and my return is scheduled for 15 August 2023. Will I be able to enter Germany then? I was asked by the Auslaenderborde to request for an extension of my resident permit soon after I return, but the travel agent in the US is not sure if there might be a problem for me to return on that date.
asked Mar 30, 2023 in Legal advice by S3 | 344 views

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Dear @S3,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

I am not aware of possible complications when you are travelling and returning to Germany with a valid residence permit which expires soon. But I will ask my dear colleague @mbeon-Éanna as well to be sure.

However, I hope you are aware that a German temporary residence permit usually expires automatically after being abroad for more than 6 months (you are not holding a Blue Card but a "Blue" refugee passport, right?). Exceptions can be made but you always have to apply for it at the immigration office in advance.

Looking forward to your reply and all the best,


answered Apr 1, 2023 by Meike
Dear Meike,

Thank you very much. Yes, I am aware that my residence permit will expire automatically if I remain outside for six months or longer. I am scheduled to return to Germany two weeks ahead of the six months period.

Best wishes.
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