I got residence permit for a year in accordance with 25B ABS. 1 S.1

Can I bring my wife in Germany with this residence permit?

It would be of great help if you helped me with information.

asked Oct 15, 2022 in Legal advice by Joman | 3,419 views
@Joman before they grant you the paragraph 25B, after submitting leben in deutschland and all document to ausländerbehörde, did ausländerbehörde told you to do the Freiheitlich Demokratie Grundordnung test with them?

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3 Answers

+1 vote

Dear Roman, Welcome back to Wefugees. As far as I know, in case of a residence permit according to § 25b Abs. 1 AufenthG, family reunification is unfortunately only allowed in exceptional cases. So no, it is not common. Here you can find more information: https://***.bamf.de/EN/Themen/MigrationAufenthalt/ZuwandererDrittstaaten/Familie/NachzugZuDrittstaatlern/nachzug-zu-drittstaatlern-node.html;jsessionid=3602816B0A6CEABEA85CC624FE094BF5.intranet672 

I will link our expert @mbeon-éanna here, unfortunately I am not an expert myself. We wish you all the best. Please feel free to come to us for further questions, we will be happy to help you. With kind regards Saskia

answered Oct 17, 2022 by Saskia Wefugees
Can you please check this paragraph from Section 29 of German Residence Act. From my little knowledge what I understood is that a residence permit holder through 25B ABS.1 S.1 can bring his wife. I need more light on this for assurance. Your kind help is appreciated. @Saskia Wefugees @mbeon-éanna "(3) The temporary residence permit may only be granted to the spouse and the minor child of a foreigner who possesses a temporary residence permit in accordance with sections 22, 23 (1) or (2) or section 25 (3) or (4a) sentence 1, section 25a (1) or section 25b (1) for reasons of international law, on humanitarian grounds or in order to safeguard political interests of the Federal Republic of Germany. Section 26 (4) applies accordingly. The subsequent immigration of dependants is not permitted in the cases covered by section 25 (4), (4b) and (5), section 25a (2), section 25b (4), section 104a (1) sentence 1 and section 104b."
0 votes

I have also got my residency   25B ABS. 1 S.1 after 7 years after holding Beschäftigung Duldung for 30 months. I think the time of duration of asylum is not counting but it’s depends on ABH sometimes you can apply for German pass as well but it’s totally depends on ABH.

answered Oct 18, 2022 by Sam Sam
0 votes

Hi @Joman,

If you were married at the time of receiving your permit, then it is possible to bring your wife here. However, as referenced by my colleague and as written in paragraph 29, this can only happen for humanitarian reasons. The authorities involved in the family reunification process (the German embassy in the country where your wife resides and your local Ausländerbehörde) have a certain amount of discretion on what they consider to be sufficient humanitarian grounds. You would have to show that it is not possible to live together in another country and that you will be living in Germany for the foreseeable future. You will also have to show that you earn enough to support your wife, have enough living space for her and that she has basic A1 level of German.

Here is some more information in English (via an online translation):


The link starts of referring to residency 25b Abs. 6 but then goes on to discuss family reunification for people with 25b Abs. 1.



answered Oct 26, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
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