Can I bring my mom or grandma from my country that are sick to live with me in Germany and get for them here permit based on my stay? I am a foreigner and because with my Ausbildung money I don't have these chances to do so at the moment, but If i leave the Ausbildung and I get full time employment contract and work permit how it will be the chances and the process then?
asked Sep 27, 2022 in Legal advice by Lily | 601 views

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2 Answers

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Hi @Lily,

As it seems you are aware, a central requirement to bring family members here is that you earn enough to support yourself and them. This includes having sufficient living space for them and also that they have health insurance. If you feel you earn enough for this, they can apply for a visa with the German Embassy to come and live in Germany as your family members.

For your mom or grandma to come, they will have to prove that they are in an extremely difficult situation. Most commonly, this would be the case if family members were seriously ill, did not have anyone in their home country to support them, and their home country was not providing them with the healthcare they need.

Here is the relevant law for such cases, paragraph 36, section 2 of the Residency Act:


Let us know if you have any further questions.



answered Oct 14, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
thank you Èanna!
0 votes
Hello! Thank you for your questions and your trust. We are sorry to hear about your grandma's health condition. I assume you have a "residence permit for the purpose of education" (Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum Zweck der Ausbildung) §16a Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz) and are not an EU citizen and do not have a Blue Card? Since I am not an expert, I will link our experts here. @meike @mbeon-éanna What I could find out during a first research is that the Agentur für Arbeit has to check if your salary is sufficient to secure your common livelihood. After the approval of the employment agency (Agentur für Arbeit), in most cases the responsible foreigners authority decides about the granting of the visa. We will contact you as soon as we have more information and wish you a nice week! With best regards Saskia
answered Sep 29, 2022 by Saskia Wefugees
Yes, that is true. I am in Germany with an Ausbildung permit and coming from Moldova. Thank you for the answer.
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