Please be kind enough to explain in detail about New law regulations for people staying more than 5 years with Duldung....etc.
asked Jun 8, 2022 in Legal advice by Coop | 518 views
Dear @Coop, welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again. I assume with „new law regulations“ you are referring to the new „Chancen-Aufenthaltsrecht“, which the government is planning to introduce? I'm going to link my dear colleague @Meike here, maybe she can answer your question in detail. All the best, Julia
@Coop , they won't give it to those that has criminal record in Deutschland, use of fake identity maybe lie with your real date of birth or name when u were in asylum, depending on social money , and has no knowledge of German... if u are living in Germany for 5 years with Duldung and u can communicate a bit German, didn't involve in those things i mention above , then u are good to go... the good thing is that the document is on probation, after 1 year , if u can communicate in deutsch a bit and u don't depend on social money then they will grant u permanent stay ...
@Coop , i just hope they sign it soon , i might switch from my german child case that is in court and apply for this one... it Sound great .. I don't have no criminal record , i can speak a bit german, i work and take care of my family here , and i am already 6 years in Germany with Duldung

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Hi @Coop, The new law has not yet been passed so it is not yet possible to apply for it. Until it is passed, we do not know the exact details of the requirements for it but as it currently stands: People who have been in Germany with a Duldung for over 5 years will receive a one-year trial residency permit. In this time they will be expected to learn German to an adequate level and to be able to provide financially for themselves, in order to have this permit extended. As it currently stands, it is not a requirement to be financially secure or speak German in order to receive this trial permit. Here is an article about it: https://***-spiegel-de.translate.goog/politik/deutschland/innenministerin-nancy-faeser-will-geduldeten-festes-bleiberecht-ermoeglichen-a-64ce9c9f-cf34-4772-a7dc-f6801c367998?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp The government wants to pass the law before the summer break of the parliament which is in July. I recommend you keep checking here and sites like Handbook Germany for updates on this. You could also already prepare an application to your local Ausländerbehörde.

answered Jun 10, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
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