
I'm triying to get the Birth certificate of my newborn baby I submit every document that they requested but for obvious reason (we're asylum seekers) our passports are expires. So they sent me the follow message:

"Sehr geehrte Eltern,

Ihre Unterlagen haben wir erhalten.

Ihre Reisepässe sind im Februar 2019 bzw. 2020 abgelaufen und somit nicht mehr gültig.

Dies ist die letzte Aufforderung Kopien Ihrer gültigen Reisepässe beim Standesamt einzureichen.

Reichen Sie keine gültigen Reisepässe ein, ist die Identität der Kindesmutter als „nicht nachgewiesen“ zu betrachten. Demnach können Ihr dann keine Urkunden zugeordnet werden. Der Kindesvater und der gewünschte Doppelnachname können dann nicht in das Geburtenregister des Kindes eingetragen werden.

Berichtigungen können dann nur noch über das Amtsgericht vorgenommen werden."

I sent the follow documents:

- Aufenthaltsgestattung valids of both parents with the all forms signed that they sent to us.

- Copy of our expires passports.

- Birth certificate of both parents with legalization and apostille.

- Marriage certificate with legalization and apostille.

- Birth certificate of our first son with legalization and apostille.

Everything was sent with thw corresponding certified translation.

I know that this is something illegal, our daughter have the human right to obtain an identity document and we send other original legalized, apostilled and translated documents that should be enough to complete the process.

Someone can help me please? What can I do?
asked Mar 9, 2022 in Legal advice by Faga0206 | 582 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear @Faga0206

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and I am sorry to hear that you have to suffer so much in the German bureaucratic jungle.

You are absolutely right: As long as you are in the asylum procedure (and also as a recognized refugee) you should not ask for services from the embassy of your country of origin. 

Unfortunately, the civil servants at the registry office ("Standesamt") can decide quite independently. Therefore, people make very different experiences in the process of the birth certificate application. If the responsible civil servant is deciding now that he/she can not issue a "proper" birth certificate (even though I really don't understand why they don't register the child's father in the birth certificate as you submitted the marriage certificate indluding the legalization etc.), they will issue (and have to) a so-called "Auszug aus dem Geburtenregister". This document is also accepted by the German authorities. 

I am not a lawyer, but from my experiences (with similar cases in Berlin), people (esp. with all these documents you also hold) had really good chances at the family court to eventually get the birth certificate ("Antrag auf Berichtigung des Geburteneintrags"). As far as I know, it is also not necessary to hire a lawyer for the process. Maybe you can contact a local migration counselling office to double-check. 

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Mar 11, 2022 by Meike
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