My boyfriend and  me have a child together I am from Germany and he is from Nigeria. Sorgerecht, Vaterschaft and Umverteilung is done already so we live together. Now we we wanne aply for an resident permit but there is a problem. On his Duldung he has his middlename but its not in his passpord witch he has made new. So my question is will this issue effect him? What we can do? He has filled while making the nigerian passpord every name in the form. But the passport does not show the middlename.
asked Feb 11, 2022 in Asylum proceedings by Mfj02 | 562 views
in my own understanding it depends on the landratsamt he want to apply some of this ausländebehöder make it more stressful.  some cases they will give him strafe which is under their law 1000euro to be paid. some landratsamt overlook at it  without any questions because his passport is his full identification of him. likewise some ausländebehöder will tell him to go back to his home land to apply for family visa to come back so they can issue him aufenthaltserlaubnis.  some can issue him without stress after they have made Prüfen with his passport.
So you mean it's better that embassy helps him to put the middlename in ? Cause it was the mistake of them and not of him.

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2 Answers

+2 votes
I guess.. since is the mistake of the Embassy, he can still submit it and the explain to the Ausländerbehörde, or he submit a prove of the mistake. Also in some case middle name doesn't matter,  in worst case it might lead to verification.

For my case..I have three names when I came to Germany. When I want to get marry I was verified and only two names was approved by German embassy in Nigeria to Standearmt, meaning all my documents till date bearing my three names accept my marriage certificate only two names.  My middle name was not approved in the verification.  My new born baby only bear my two name in his birt certificate.
So the middle name doesn't matter.. in worst case verification will decide it. Meaning they might ask you to do verification.  It cost money.
Good luck
answered Feb 12, 2022 by Emmytender
0 votes

Dear @Mfj02,

Welcome back to the Wefugees community and thank you for your question.

Unfortunately, I can not share experiences regarding similar cases (except a question on the middlename which my colleague was answering here), but I would agree with @Emmytender: If the immigration office asks about the middlename, explain the situation exactly how you explained it to us. I suppose that your boyfriend also has a birth certificate since he just applied for a new passport? Is the birth certificate showing the middle name? This could also help in case the immigration office has any doubts. In general, I would not worry too much.

Please don't hesitate to keep us updated on your case or to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Feb 14, 2022 by Meike
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