Good day sir or madam
I appreciate all the time you spend answering all questions.

I ask a question last time. And you gave me answer
Here is how my process is going

1 . I rented apartment in bochum and I pay just 320 euro including light and water bill and heating .
And I have unlimited work contract  

And I went to my lawyer and gave it to him to make the process of my transfer.  To bochum since I'm from köthen and my asylum case is still there .

So he told me not to worry he will do this . And my family also live in essen and we gave him the copy of My family house registration and father chaf and sogorit  . .

But I got the copy of what he sent to my immigration office responsible for me .

But when I gave him my paper from my last laywer . He saw it and say my case is finish.  I was suppose to have red mark . He was surprise. How I don't have the red mark . I also don't know why and I have never come  across a lawyer who can handle my case . All lawyer I meet say they can't handle it . My case is complicated.  And no one want to take it .as first . Due thought I have family.  I understand I'm not European citizen.  It okey . And when I meet advice center.  Caritas  -- they told me my case is not finish and I don't have red mark . And maybe my city wouldn't allow me transfer . Ah I lost my self . But later told me if bochum can make house registration for me . Them it finish.  My house registration is in bochum.  Automatically I can renew my resident .( 3 month resident that the one I have ) .but on the 29.11.2021 . I finally did my house registration.  ( but was not easy task ) . Almost got reject . But was lucky I speak German a bit . And also gave them reason I want to move here and a prove of the copy my lawyer sent to me . About my transfer . . Can you tell me how long it take.  Or it possible I can renew my resident here in bochum since I done house registration.  Just want to get a life

Let me quickly add this to it

In köthen.  They don't allow me to pay for vhild support.  
But in essen . I habe done this process and they told me how much I want to pay and also I'm waiting for the finally letter so I can start paying . And I have done the birth certificate of my child . Because I add my name as the father .. they habe resident permit since 2017 . Act 28
asked Dec 2, 2021 in Asylum proceedings by Derek | 486 views

Dear @Derek

Thank you for getting back to us. It is honestly not very easy to fully grasp your situation. And I remember that also my colleague dear @mbeon-ruth was recommending you in one of your earlier opened threads to get support in a counselling office. Are you still in touch with the mentioned Caritas staff? You are working together on your case? I am afraid that the "new" immigration office may not extend a residence permit if your "Umverteilungsantrag" was not yet approved. Do you agree @mbeon-Ruth

All the best, 


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1 Answer

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Dear @Derek,

I agree with @Meike, your case is too complicated to be solved on this platform. Please try to contact a good refugee advisor in your town or nearby. There is certainly several places to turn to. Google "Flüchtlingsberatung" and your city. Or contact me via mbeon.



Please feel free to contact me again. My name is Ruth and I am a professional refugee advisor.  In case you need a confidential consultation you can write me via the app ‘mbeon’, which provides advice for adult immigrants in Germany. Download the app at Google Play or  App Store and get in touch with me or 160 other migration advisors. It's free of charge, anonymous, data secure and you can get advice in 15 different languages. Find more information here: ***.mbeon.de.

answered Dec 8, 2021 by mbeon-Ruth
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