Hallo, I applied for asylum a year ago in Germany and have been living in a Camp in Rheinland-pfalz since then. I did not get any answer yet from BAMF and it is likely to end up staying in the camp for another six months. I would like to enrol to a master or bachelor degree in Germany. Do I have right to do so? Any info will be appreciated.

Bleib gesund!
asked Oct 19, 2020 in Education by rizgar | 636 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @rizgar,

Thanks for reaching out to the wefugees-community!

As an asylumseeker you are allowed to study in Germany. Depending on your subject there might even be certain prgrammes specifically designed for refugees.

If you speak some German this summary on the topic might be useful for you https://***.studentenwerke.de/sites/default/files/hochschulzugang_studium_fluechtlinge_einseitig.pdf. If not there is plenty of good information on the topic in English as well.

I hope my answers were helpful and I would be very happy if you would contact me again with further questions. I'm a consultant with mbeon and I‘ll be glad to help you over a longer period of time. Mbeon is an online advice for migrants via the mbeon app, which you can install on your smartphone for free. Download it from App Store or Google Play Store. You can find me in the mbeon app and get confidential individual advice in a secure virtual space without other people reading our conversation. Further information: ***.mbeon.de.

Best regards,

your mbeon-Rukundo

answered Oct 20, 2020 by Mbeon-Rukundo
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