Hello there,
    My asylum claim was rejected "obvious reason" then I appeal but the court decided it's incontestable. Can I reapply for a I didn't mention during the interview? If yes, where and how do I reapply ?
asked May 14, 2020 in Asylum proceedings by Danfit | 969 views

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Hi @Danfit,

thanks for contacting our community.

Yes, you can make a second application (so called Folgeantrag). Usually you have to do it in person at the local BAMF-office, but with the present Corona-situation I would check beforehand, what the way of contacting them is best at the moment.

You should think carefully before filing another asylum application. This is for several reasons: The obstacles are quite high by law, that is, the BAMF checks very strict if there are reasons at all to open up a new case. It can only be about new reasons, that have occurred after the first application was over and you have to file the application within 3 months after you get to know about the new reasons. Another example is if the law (in germany or in your home country) has changed in your favor and gives you new arguments, why you need protection.

If you say there is something you didn't mention in the interview it's gonna be very hard to explain to the BAMF, why you did not mention it before. Or why you did not mention it while your case was in court. The BAMF will argue that you are inventing reasons to create a second chance / gain more time and will probably reject you. A very high number of Folgeanträge are rejected quickly.

So again, before filing the application: Prepare thoroughly! I recommend you contact a local refugee advisor and / or lawyer or you contact one of the mbeon-advisors online.

I hope my answer was helpful for you and I wish you all the best for your second application.



I hope my answers were helpful and I would be very happy if you would contact me again with further questions. I'm a consultant with mbeon and I‘ll be glad to help you over a longer period of time. Mbeon is an online advice for migrants via the mbeon app, which you can install on your smartphone for free. Download it from App Store or Google Play Store. You can find me in the mbeon app under my name “Euskirchen, Frau Schaefer” and get confidential one-to-one advice in a secure virtual space without other people reading our conversation. Further information: ***.mbeon.de

answered May 25, 2020 by mbeon-Ruth
Hi Ruth,
  Thank you for taking your time to answer my question.
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