My girlfriend is pregnant and she has a residence permit 25ab.5 what are my chances to also get a residence permit after she give birth
asked May 14, 2020 in Legal advice by Yusif 21 | 3,053 views

Dear @Bamba21

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question. 

I think it will be very difficult to give you a helpful answer based on that very few information about your situation. What is your status at the moment? And do you know, why your girlfriend got issued the residence permit according to paragraph 25(5) of the German residence law? Did she get it because of her pregnancy? 

Speaking in general, if you want to apply for a residence permit based on being able to take care of your child which has already a residence permit in Germany, the official acknowledgement of the fatherhood and shared custody will be very important. 

Please don’t hesitate to get back to us if you want to discuss your case further or if you need more information. I am sure that one of our experts will be happy to get back to you. 

All the best, 


My girlfriend have a child and she was given a residence permit base on her first child and the child has also residence permit as well.. As for me I was in asylum before I was scared maybe one I could be deported so I quit my asylum. And know I want know if I can get stay when my child comes thanks

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4 Answers

0 votes
The reason your girlfriend  received residence permit under §25 (5) AufenthG, because her deportation was not possible if there was legal facts which in her case was Vaterschaft and Sorgerecht that is why she received humanitarian residence.

Your Child will receive 25(5) because your girlfriend is the primary care giver.

Persons with a residence permit according to §§ 25 paragraph 4 and 5 AufenthG are legally excluded from family reunification. 9 You only have a chance to legally move a family member to Germany after you have received a settlement permit.

I would advice you to speak to a good immigration lawyer on the matter
answered May 15, 2020 by Pan 123
0 votes
Hello Bamba21,
I also got resident permit 25 ab.5 and after giving birth, my daughter got resident permit under Paragraph 33  and my girlfriend was also giving Paragraph 60 as deportation ban but she applied in court and still waiting for an answer from the court.
answered May 17, 2020 by Denny28
0 votes
How long have you been Holding 25(5) Permit?
Did you receive 25.5 After 18 months?
Am Sure your girlfriend got Deportation Ban because of the sorgerecht
answered May 17, 2020 by Pan 123
Is my girlfriend who is holding that title I mean the the residence permit and she got it 3months after she gave birth and now she is pregnant for me and I want to know my chances of also get residence permit after my baby is born thanks
Hi Bamba21, I got it since March 2019 and I am hold 2 years now.
And concerning about my girlfriend, she got her deportation ban before I was called to court which means she didn't get her documents of the sorgerecht but through her asylum case. But assuming she did got negative results from her asylum then we can use the  sorgerecht but in her now case was through her own asylum case.
0 votes
Hello Bamba21,

 I got it since March 2019 and I am hold 2 years now.
And concerning about my girlfriend, she got her deportation ban before I was called to court which means she didn't get her documents throug the sorgerecht but through her asylum case. But assuming she did got negative results from her asylum then we can use the  sorgerecht but in her now case was through her own asylum case. She got answer to her case on April 2018 and she got pregnant on September 2018.
answered May 17, 2020 by Denny28
Congratulations on your document @Denny28 Please what where the requirements for you to get the residence permit 25.5
Hello @Prince babe, thanks bro and it was giving me by court through my asylum process because I first received rejection and later took it to court and the court granted me the permit.
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